<photo: Sembalun Crater Rim Base Camp, 2639m @ Mount Rinjani>
even though Mount Rinjani is shorter than Mount Kinabalu, there is a reason why the nickname for Mount Rinjani is Mount Regret.
the starting point for the Rinjani climb is at the Sembalun Village at 1,150m. it takes about 8 hours to reach the Sembalun Crater Rim Base Camp at 2639m. during the 8 hours, you will encounter the dreaded "Seven Hills of Regret” before reaching the Sembalun Crater Rim Base Camp. many climbers regret making the decision to climb Mount Rinjani when they encounter the Seven Hills. but once you conquer the Seven Hills of Regret, you will be rewarded with a fantastic view at the Crater Rim Base Camp.
unlike the Panalaban Base Camp @ Mount Kinabalu, accomodation at the Sembalun Crater Rim Base Camp comprises of tents. and ladies - toilet is a hole in the ground. don't worry, your modesty is protected by a flimsy curtain tent that threatens to blow away in the strong winds at the crater rim. what fun!
you will wake up at 2am and have breakfast in your tents while its freezing cold outside. the summit climb starts at 3am, and once again, you will ask why, why why? You will get the answer when you reach the peak of Rinjani, a live volcano, overlooking the crater lake at sunrise. #bcc
"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings" - John Muir