In search of purpose: 2018 resolutions
“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”...

In search of purpose: The things that matter
<Photo: Chapter 14 from “The art of the good life” by Rolf Dobelli> Purpose = Circle of competence - Sturgeon’s Law Start by drawing...

In search of purpose: Calling
“The romantic notion that a calling makes you happy is false. If you go blindly chasing after your calling, that’s a sure-fire recipe...

In search of purpose: Sail into the blue ocean
<Photo: Lands End, San Francisco> Many organisations have embarked on their blue ocean journeys in their search for growth and new...

In search of purpose: Expect the unexpected.
<photos: Basecamp.Cafe before and after> The start of a journey is always exciting. There’s the thrill of the unknown and the...

In search of purpose: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
Opening of basecamp.cafe @ Kallang Wave Mall on 15 October 2017. The temperature in the desert oscillates between 40 degrees celcius to...

In search of purpose: Empty your cup
<emptying our cups of “tea” at basecamp Malchin Peak/Mount Khuiten, and Ulaanbaatar Mongolia> There is an oft-repeated story about a...

In search of purpose: “Face” book
In Asia, “face” (miàn zi, 面子) is a huge thing. Face represents a person’s reputation and status within different communities , including...

In search of purpose: The next 5 more minutes
<photo: with Romzi and Ajab at Panar Laban basecamp, Mount Kinabalu on 25 Sept 2017> Just over 3 months ago, a few of us got together and...

In search of purpose: In seventh heaven
<Photo: Seventh time at the summit of Mount Kinabalu on 26 Sept 2017> If you say that you are "in seventh heaven", it means that you are...