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when is good enough, really good enough

<photo: wide open space at Yosemite National Park. no brick walls>

in an OECD study published last year, Singapore was top in mathematics and science scores among 76 countries. in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), Singapore has consistently been among the top scoring countries. something to be proud of.

or not?

in parliament today, Holland-Bukit Timah GRC MP Liang Eng Hwa said that “Our education system cannot be narrowly focused on exam-based academic performances. It just stresses out everyone – students, parents and teachers – with very little gain in return besides generating the national exams scores to sort out school postings.”

and two days ago, Foreign Affairs Minister Vivian Balakrishnan said that there is a need to "completely rejig" Singapore's education system

when is good enough really good enough?

in 1979, the English rock band Pink Floyd released the song Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2) as a protest song against rigid schooling in the UK. that song went on to be a number one hit in many countries.

have we become a nation of bricks in the wall, and what can we do before we enclose ourselves within four walls? we need wide open spaces. #bcc


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