<photo: sunset in the Gobi Desert>
are there more English words that start with the letter K or more words with K as their third letter?
which is greater - the number of 6-letter English words with n as the 5th letter or the number of 6-letter English words ending with "ing"?
most people would believe that there are more English words that start with the letter K. they would also believe that there are more 6-letter English words that end with "ing". actually the opposite is true in both examples.
the human mind creates a reality based on what most easily comes to mind or what it remembers most often. this means that we will only see what we have seen before, and we can't see the things that we haven't seen before. we make decisions based on information that's easily avaiable, rather than think about what we don't know.
how can you overcome this "blindness"? spend time with people who think differently from you. birds of a feather shouldn't flock together. #bcc