<photo: sunset at Lake Tahoe>
in a classic behavioural experiment, one group of participants were told that they will receive a small electric shock. participants in a second group were told that the risk of this happening was only 50%. the researchers measured the anxiety levels of participants in both groups (heart rate, nervousness, sweating, etc.) shortly before commencing. the results - there was absolutely no difference. participants in both groups were equally stressed.
next, the researchers told the participants in the second group that the chance of being shocked will be reduced to 20%. The result: still no difference. 10% - no difference. 5% - no difference. however, when the researchers declared they will increase the strength of the expected current, both groups’ anxiety levels rose by the same degree.
it's alright to be anxious as life is full of electric shocks - not getting a promotion at work, failing a subject in school, not awarded a scholarship or a relationship that's not working out. but don't wait for the chance of being shocked to be reduced to 0%. take your chances in life. live and let live. #bcc
"nobody climbs mountains for scientific reasons. science is used to raise money for the expeditions, but you really climb for the hell of it." Edmund Hillary, first man to reach the summit of Everest.