making your own luck
<photo: not sitting around, Kew Gardens, London> opportunity, it is said, knocks but once and you should seize it because it's not going...

what is your why
<photo: it's just a bicycle, but when lighted up during Christmas time, becomes something else, on a street in London> in jail twice,...

it's just around the corner
<photos: MacRitchie Reservoir, Singapore> "it's just around the corner" is an English idiom. if something is "just around the corner",...

don't look down
<photos: looking down into the crater of Mount Rinjani> "What would you do if you believed you only had a few minutes to live? Don’t look...

do not go gentle into that good night
<photo: sunset at Mount Rinjani> <photo: sunset at Mount Kinabalu> <photo: sunset at the Himalayas> Do not go gentle into that good...

<photo: looking up at the summit of Mount Kinabalu, 8 Oct 2016> how do you want to live your life? what would you want to be written on...