In search of purpose: Why climb Mount Khuiten?
<Photo: towards Mount Khuiten, Mongolia - credit Ace Adventure Expeditions> Mount Khuiten, the highest mountain in Mongolia, has been...

life is not measured by the number of breaths we take
<photo: looking at the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, USA> the latest iPhone 7 comes with a camera that has a 12 megapixel capability...

light at the end of the tunnel
<photo: Tube station, London Underground> "light at the end of the tunnel" is an English idiom that means "signs of improvement in a...

100 year plan
<photo: Trees lighted up for Christmas at Kew Gardens, London> it takes time to build and nurture talent. in a recent report by Swiss...

helping people help others
<photo: basecamp.cafe starting to take shape in 2017> what's the purpose of basecamp.cafe? it's to help people find their purposes in...

<photo: children in Phortse, Nepal> 前人栽树,后人乘凉 is a Chinese idiom which literally translated means "one generation plants the trees under...

inspiration and perspiration
<photo: learning how to cross crevasses at base camp, Nepal> #alwaysbelieve in his book Peak, Anders Ericsson brings together decades of...

people don't buy what you do. people buy why you do it.
in his Ted talk, Simon Sinek shared the concept of the golden circle. at the outermost ring of the golden circle is WHAT. the centre...

taking a step towards the first step
<photo: climbing Mount Kinabalu, October 2016> today is Evaluate Your Life Day. it's a day where we take stock of our achievements, near...

story of the 3 monks
<photos: temples in Bhutan> there once was a monk who lived a simple life in a temple at the top of a mountain. everyday, the monk would...